La parole de Sa Sainteté le Pape Benoît XVI mérite d'être restituée dans sa complexité, face aux présentations parfois hâtives et abusivement simplificatrices qui l'entourent...«trop de responsables politiques» qui se sont joints à la polémique « sans toujours effectuer le discernement nécessaire».
Benoît XVI ne répond jamais à une question par oui ou non, mais développe toujours un ensemble de possibles ; de la même manière, ses raisonnements ne sont jamais binaires – alors que c’est manifestement ainsi qu’il a été compris à propos du préservatif... on peut donc toujours tirer une phrase de son contexte et caricaturer ses idées.
Technically AIDS is spread by promiscuous sexual behaviour. Condoms indirectly will promote promiscuity. But condoms also fail, sometimes, 10-45%? ...of the time (10% failure rate per year use for couples in becoming pregnant whereas diseases are transmitted anytime, not just during ovulation as in pregnancy). Therefore condoms would increase the spread of AIDS by creating a wrong sense of security. This is what journalism/blogs (NDLR politicians), etc. should have reported for example last march. Condoms are not a panacea... this is what I understand the Pope said... you can't condemn a rationale like that. And if one reads all the Pope has written on any subject, boy you will see that he is pretty articulate... So the media/comments/blogs, etc that condemn the Pope on any subject need to research a lot more: faith is one thing, reason is another thing, the Pope is articulate in reason, thus one can't defy the Pope by arguing one's "lack of faith" when the Pope or anyone for that matter addresses your reason. Reason is used marvelously on Ars (NDLR: Ars Technica est un site de tehcnologie informatique). Technical problems are solved, analyzed... this site is a real nice place to be. But reason should be applied "as" rigorously in social, ethical, philosophical, faith, matters as with science. Good reasoning, whatever you are analyzing, is like a nice OS, good reasoning solves problems. Commentaire relevé sur Ars Technica 5:45:30 AM  |